The Rotters were now a well-established street act, performing throughout the country at street events and local festivals: we retained connections with roots on the south coast with gigs in Brighton, Swanage and the Isle of Wight, but also started to become regular features at Bradford Festival & Mela, Filey and other key national locations such as Cardiff Bay. We were able to command larger fees and started to receive Rotter fan-mail, which I would read-out to the boys at our rehearsal sessions at a section of our ‘compulsory socialising’ known as ‘Uncle’s Corner’. ‘Rotternews’ became a sort of regular zine with which to communicate everything from ideas and logistics to moans and triumphs. My partner at the time – Marise Rose provided designs for new costumes and we became increasingly conscious of our financial responsibility in maintaining the act.

Doctor Dacko
Accordian, Bits’n’pieces & Vocals

Reverend Uncle Tacko!
Banjo & Vocals

Mister Macko
Washboard & Vocals

Boy Gacko
Drums & Vocals

Sir Squacko
Guitar & Vocals

Photographs of the Pierrotters

Letters, Fanmail & Rotternews
Collections of letters, fanmail & "Rotternews".

Badges, stickers, objects; notes, lyrics, contracts, sketches, ideas, oddments.

Publicity & Brochures
Collections of publicity material & brochures